Planetary Science
About the Major
The EAPS Planetary Science major is a rapidly-growing, multidisciplinary program that incorporates geology, astrobiology, physics, atmospheric science, and engineering. This major is attractive to students who want to learn more about other planets, as well as studying impact craters, asteroids, and meteorites. Our students have the opportunity to learn about the formation of bodies in space, geologic structures on other planets, and/or the mechanics of orbits. This program is a step towards careers at organizations such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and is also a strong foundation for graduate school.

Information about the Planetary Science undergraduate degree (PDF), as well as general career information.
In addition to completing their typical degree requirements, EAPS planetary science undergraduates often participate in research projects. For information, see the EAPS Planetary Research page.