Atmospheric Science/Meteorology
About the Major
Are you fascinated by the weather? Do you find yourself wondering how it works, how scientists predict it, and what factors influence it? Do you enjoy applying physics and math? Atmospheric Science majors study severe storms, climate change, and environmental impacts. Our majors gain valuable hands-on experience and have the opportunity to participate in research, from severe weather forecasting to analyzing global changes over time. This provides our graduates with the skills and knowledge to enter the work force in specialties such as weather forecasting, climate modeling, and air pollution, as well as to further their education by pursuing graduate degrees.
Highlighted information about the Atmospheric Science/Meteorology undergraduate degree, as well as general career information, can be found here (PDF).
There are a range of potential career paths that a student may seek to pursue from our degree:

- National Weather Service: If a student is planning to work for the National Weather Service or wants the option to work for the federal government upon graduation, it is recommended that students select coursework in hydrology, oceanography, climatology, radiative transfer, aeronomy, advanced thermodynamics, advanced electricity and magnetism, light and optics, and GIS to meet both Federal Civil Service and AMS Guidelines
- Broadcasting Media: If a student is planning to work in Broadcasting (media) or wants that option, coursework in GIS, communication, journalism, writing and speech, publishing or broadcast media is recommended to meet AMS guidelines
- Business-Related Career: If a student is planning to work in a Business-Related career (e.g. a meteorologist for a private company), it is recommended that students select coursework in economics, marketing, organizational management, human behavior, entrepreneurship, strategic planning, program evaluation, and GIS to meet the AMS Guidelines.
- Graduate School/Research: If you are planning to attend graduate school or work in research, it is recommended that you select coursework in high-level mathematics, climate change, remote sensing, numerical methods or computational fluid dynamics, and probability in addition to a synthesizing experience to meet 2010 AMS guidelines.
Meet Our Alumni
Angela Buchman
Current Position:
Lead Forecaster,
WTHR-Ch. 13, Indianapolis, IN
B.S. Purdue University, Atmos. Science 1996
Richard Knabb
Current Position:
Director, National Hurricane Center
B.S. Purdue Univ, Atmospheric Science 1990
Edward Bensman
Current Position: Program Director, Physical & Dynamic Meteorology, National Science Foundation
Director, Engineering and Science Computing, Notre Dame
B.S. Purdue University, Atmos. Science 1983