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William Zinsmeister

Professor Emeritus William Zinsmeister

Curriculum Vitae
Associated website(s):
Geology and Geophysics

Ph.D.- University of California, Riverside

Research Interests
Paleontology, stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, biogeography, field geology.

Teaching Interests

  • EAS 115 Dinosaurs
  • EAS 151 OIL
  • EAS 473 Invertebrate Paleontology

Selected Publications

  • Unal, E. and William J. Zinsmeister, Exotic biogenic structures from the Early Cambrian of the Marble Mountains, California. Geological Society America, Abstracts with Programs, 32(7):367 2005
  • 2004 Scarabino, F., Martinez, S., Del Rio, C., Oleinik, A.E., Camacho, H.H. Zinsmeister, W.J. Two new species of Adeloomelon Dall, 1906 (Gastropod: Volutidae) from the Tertiary of Patagonia (Argentina). Journal of Paleontology, 78(5):014-919. 2004
  • Stilwell, J.D. Zinsmeister, W.J. and Oleinik, A.E. Early Paleocebe mollusks of Antarctica: Systematics, Paleoecology and paleobiogeographic significance. Bulletins of American Paleontology, 367:1-89. 2004
  • Zinsmeister, W.J., Seymour Island; a look at the world 10,000 km southof Chicxulub. American Paleontologist, 12(3), 8-9. 2004
  • Stephen, D.A. and Zinsmeister, W.J., Systematics of the late Cretaceous nautiloids of Antarctica. 6th International Symposium - Cephalopods - Past and Present, Fayetteville, AK 2004
  • Stilwell, J.D. and Zinsmeister, W.J., A new gastropod mollusc, Antarctissitys austrodema gen. et sp. nov., from the upper Maastrichtian of Antarctica and its evolutionary significance. Cretaceous Research, vol.24, no.2, pp. 111-118, April 2003.
  • Zinsmeister, William J. Mass mortalities and mass extinctions. Lathaia, 35:20-21. 2002
  • Stilwell, Jeffrey, D. and Zinsmeister, William J. A new large acteonid gastropod (Mollusca) from the latest Cretaceous. Journal of Paleontology, 76:369-378. 2002
  • Dutton, A. L., Lohmann, K.C. Zinsmeister, William J. Stable isotope and minor proxies for Eocene climate of Seymour Island, Antarctica. Paleoceonography, 10:593-601. 2002
  • Zinsmeister, William J. Short-term Maastrichtian biotic events on Seymour Island, Antarctica. In, Antarctica at the close of a millennium. Royal Society of New Zealand, Bulletin 35:287-292. 2002
  • Witham, S.A. Krockover, G.H., Ridgway, K.D., and Zinsmeister, William J. Lessons Online, educational technology for the undergraduate geology classroom, Journal of College Science Teaching, 32:264-269. 2002
  • Dutton, A.L. and Zinsmeister, W.J., Stable isotope and minor element proxies for eocene climate of Seymour Island, Antarctica. Paleoceanography, 17(2), 6.1-6.14. 2002
  • Stilwell, J.D. and Zinsmeister, W.J., A new gastropod mollusc, antarctissitys austrodema gen. et sp. nov., from the upper maastrichtian of Antarctica and its evolutionary significance. Cretaceous Research, 24(2), 111-118. 2002
  • Zinsmeister, W.J. in press, Stratigrapbic Plane Analysis, A technique for analysis of biostratigraphic ranges. Proceedings of Antarctic Geoscience Symposium, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Zinsmeister, W. J. 2001. Late Maastrichtian Short-term Biotic Events on Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula , Journal of Geology. Appeared March 2001, volume 109, no. 2, pp. 213-229.
  • Stilwell, J. D.,and Zinsmeister, W. J., 2000. Paleobiogeographic synthesis of the Eocene macrofauna from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, in Stilwell J. D., and Feldmann, R. M., eds., Paleobiology and Paleoenvironments of Eocene Rocks, McMurdo Sound, East Antarctica: American Geophysical Union Antarctic Research Series, v. 76. p. 365-372.

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