Terry West
Professor Emeritus
Curriculum Vitae
Associated website(s):
Google Scholar , Environmental Geoscience
Ph.D.- Purdue University
Research Interests
Engineering geology, hazardous-waste disposal, engineering properties of rock, rock slope stability, remote sensing.
Teaching Interests
- EAS 583 Geology of Landfills
- EAS 385 Principles of Engineering Geology
Selected Publications - Google Scholar Page for a complete list of publications
- T.R. West, 2007, “Landslides and Society: Recognition, Impacts and Mitigation”, Proceedings, First North American Landslide Conference, Hard Copy Proceedings and CD, Vail CO, June, Invited paper.
- T.R. West, L. Zhao and K. Cho, 2006, “Abandoned Gravel Pit Complex Provides Land for Expansion of Purdue Campus, West Lafayette, Indiana”. Proceedings, International Association of Engineering Geologists, Aug., Nottingham, England.
- H.J. Park, T.R. West, and I. Woo, 2005, “Probabilistic Analysis of Rock Slope Stability and Random Properties of Discontinuity Parameters, Interstate Highway 40, Western North Carolina, USA”, Engineering Geology, Elsevier Publisher, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- T.R. West, 2002, “Subsurface Investigations of Several Glacial Successions Related to Engineering Construction”, Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, Vol. 111, No. 1, pp. 9-20.
- T.R. West, 2002, “Role of GSA Engineering Geology Division, Past, Current and Future”, Program with Abstracts, Association of Engineering Geologists, Reno, NV, Sept., Full paper on CD Rom,”Symposium: Visioning the Future of Engineering Geology, Sustainability and Stewardship”.
- T.R. West, K.H. Cho and H.J. Park, 2001, "Acid Insoluble Residue Content and Rock Durability for Indi-ana Highway Cuts in Carbonate Rock". Abstracts with Programs, Annual meeting, Associa-tion of Engineering Geologists, St.Louis, MO, October.
- H.J. Park and T.R. West, 2001, "Development of a Probabilistic Approach for Rock Wedge Failure", En-gineering Geology, Vol. 59, Nos 3-4, pp. 233-251, Elsevier, The Netherlands
- T.R. West, K.H. Cho and H.J. Park, 2001, "Rock Slope Failure Along Interstate 40, Western North Caro-lina, USA", Proceedings, International Conference on Landslides; Causes, Impacts and Coun-termeasures, pp. 109-118, Davos, Switzerland, June.
- T.R. West, J.C. Choi, D.W. Bruner, H.J. Park and K.H. Cho, 2001, "Evaluation of Dolomite and Related Aggregates Used in Bituminous Overlays for Indiana Pavements". Program Abstracts, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January.
- T.R. West, 2000, "Pore Pressure Effects on Sliding and Toppling of Rock Blocks Including Some Aspects of Intact Rock", Proceedings, Korea Institute of Construction Technology, pp. 1-36, Seoul Korea, July.
- T.R. West, 2000, "Legal Restrictions Regarding Extraction of Construction Materials and Energy Resources and Land Disposal of Solid Waste, State of Indiana, USA", Program Abstracts, 31st International Geology Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August.
- T.R.West, 2000 Book Review, Roadside Geology of Indiana, by Mark J. Camp and Graham T. Richardson, Mountain Press Publishing Co. (1999), 315 p., in Vol. VI, Number 1, Environmental & Engineering Geosciences, pp. 90-91.