Andrea Donnellan
Department Head of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences and Professor
Curriculum Vitae
Andrea Donnellan studies earthquakes and crustal deformation combining a variety of geodetic imaging techniques with computational modeling and infrastructure. She uses topography to study past expressions of earthquake written in landscapes, and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and high-precision Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations to measure interseismic and co-seismic deformation to study strain accumulation and release and earthquake fault interactions.
- Ph.D., Geophysics, California Institute of Technology (1991)
- M.S., Computer Science, University of Southern California (2003)
- M.S., Geophysics, California Institute of Technology (1988)
- B.S., Geology, Ohio State University, with honors and distinction in geology and minor in math (1986)
History of Employment
- Purdue University (2025 – )
- Head Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science (2025 – )
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1993 – 2024)
- Manager Instrument Systems Section (2021 – 2024)
- Senior Research Scientist (2024 – 2024)
- Principal Research Scientist (2008 – 2024)
- NASA HQ Program Area Co-Lead for Natural Disasters (2009–2011)
- InSAR Lead Scientist/Pre-Project Scientist (2005–2007/2007–2008)
- Deputy Manager Science Division (2002–2005)
- Deputy Manager Exploration Systems Autonomy Section (2000-2002)
- Supervisor Data Understanding Systems Group (1999–2000)
- Member Satellite Geodesy and Geodynamics Systems Group (1993–1999)
- California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Adjunct Professor, Lecturer Geosciences (2018)
- University of Southern California, Adjunct Asst. Prof. (Research) of Earth Sci. (1999–2015)
- California Institute of Technology, Visiting Assoc., Seismological Laboratory (1995–1996)
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, National Res. Council Postdoctoral Fellow (1991–1993)
- California Institute of Technology (1986-1991) Grad. Research/Teaching Asst. (1986-1991/87-88)
Ohio State University (1983–1986)
- Research Assistant, Institute for Polar Studies, Ohio State University (1983–1986)
- Thin Section Laboratory Technician, Ohio State University (1983)
- Geochemistry Group, Sohio Research and Development (1985)
Research Experience
- Creating a NASA Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Novel Observing System (NOS) (2025 – 2027)
- NASA Surface Topography and Vegetation Study Lead (2020 – 2021, 2022 – 2025, 2025 – )
- Quantifying Uncertainty and Kinematics of Earth Systems Imager ((QUAKES-I) (2020 – 2025)
- Quantifying Uncertainty and Kinematics of Earthquake Systems (QUAKES-A) Analytic Collaborative Framework (2020 – 2022)
- NISAR Science Team member (2019 – 2024)
- Connecting Plate Boundary Processes to Surface Faulting using Geodetic Imaging (2017 – 2020)
- UAVSAR Geodetic Imaging Principal Investigator (2009 – 2020)
- GeoGateway for Analysis, Modeling, and Response Principal Investigator (2014 – 2019)
- QuakeSim Principal Investigator (2002–2014)
Research Products
- QUAKES-I airborne imaging data sets (Grand Canyon, Lake Mead, Numerous Locations over California (2021 and 2022 flights)
- SAR-Fusion short wavelength infrared (SWIR) and visible stereoimaging products (2021 Caldor Fire, 2022 Mauna Loa eruption)
- GeoGateway ( ) for analysis of geodetic imaging data. Underlying software used in NISAR mission calibration/validation using UAVSAR and GNSS data.
- NASA Surface Topography and Vegetation Study Lead (2020 – 2021, 2022 – 2025): Observing Earth’s Changing Surface Topography and Vegetation Structure: A Framework for the Decade (2021)
- NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) Mission Science Users’ Handbook (2018) Chief Editor
Service Roles
Professional Organizations and Service
- IEEE: The Remote sensing Environment, Analysis and Climate Technologies Technical Committee (REACT TC)
American Geophysical Union
- AGU Honors Ambassador Committee Chair (2020)
- AGU Honors committee chair for Natural Hazards Section (2020)
- Diversity and Inclusion Task Force (2017 – 2018)
- Nonlinear Geophysics Focus Group President-Elect/President/Past (13–14/2015–2016/17–18)
- Ethics Task Force (2016 – 2017)
- UNAVCO: Board (2018 – 2020) Vice-Chair (2019–2020)
- APEC Cooperation on Earthquake Simulation: US Rep. to the International Science Board (2000–2017)
- Natl. Academy of Sciences: Committee on Spatial Data Enabling USGS Strategic Science in the 21st Century (2010)
- AGU Earth and Space Science Journal (2014 – 2021)
- PAGEOPH Topical Vol. editor: "Multihazard Simulation and Cyberinfrastructure (2013–2014)
- ISRN Geophysics, Editorial Board (2012 – 2014)
- Editor ACES PAGEOPH special volume on earthquake simulations (2003)
- NASA Earth Surface and Interior Program CORE Steering committee member (2015–2016)
NASA HQ Program Area Co-Lead for Natural Disasters (2009–2011)
- Responsible for program elements and strategic direction of program
- Represented NASA on the White House Subcommittee for Disaster Reduction
- Ex-officio member representing NASA, National Academy of Sciences Disaster Roundtable
NASA Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Study
- Community Meetings (2020, 2023)
- American Geophysical Union STV Town Hall (2020)
- American Geophysical Union STV Session (2022, 2023)
- International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Society (IGARSS) STV Session (2024)
- Analyzing Geodetic Imaging Data using GeoGateway Short Course (SSA, Seattle, WA, 2018)
- NASA Earth Observing Missions Applications Workshop (Colorado Springs, 2010)
- DESDynI Applications Workshop (Sacramento, 2008)
- NSF/NASA Sponsored Community InSAR Workshop (Oxnard, 2003)
- NSF/NASA Sponsored Autonomous Systems in Extreme Environments Workshop (1999)
- Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN) network design workshops (1995 and 1997)
Research Funding (Past 10 years, Principal Investigator unless noted)
- Creating a NASA Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Novel Observing System (NOS) (2025 – 2027)
- NASA Surface Topography and Vegetation Study Lead (2020 – 2021, 2022 – 2025, 2025 – )
- High-Resolution Stereophotogrammetry and Analysis for Achieving STV DSI Goals, NASA, 8/2022 – 8/2025
- Study Team Lead: Surface Topography and Vegetation, NASA, 4/19 – 8/2025
- NISAR Solid Earth Science Team Member: Calibration and Validation using UAVSAR and GNSS, NASA, 9/2022 – 2/2025 (6 months past NISAR commissioning)
- NISAR Calibration and Validation for Solid Earth and Applications, NASA, 4/2019 – 3/2022
- Quantifying Uncertainty and Kinematics of Earthquake Systems (QUAKES-A) Analytic Center, NASA, 1/2020 – 12/2021
- Quantifying Uncertainty and Kinematics of Earth Systems Imager (QUAKES-I), NASA, 1/2020 – 12/2021
- Project/Proposal Title: SAR and InSAR Training Materials for the Earth Surface and Interior Community, NASA, 1/2019 – 12/2020 (Co-I)
- UAVSAR Imager, NASA, 10/2019 – 9/2020
- Connecting Plate Boundary Processes to Surface Faulting using Geodetic Imaging, NASA, 1/2017 – 3/2020
- Enhanced Access to NASA Heterogeneous Geodetic Imaging Products through GeoGateway Analysis, Modeling, and Response Tools, NASA, 8/2016 – 9/2019
- Excitation and Detection of Tsunamis by the Global Navigation Satellite System, NASA, 1/2017 – 9/2019 (Co-I)
- QuakeSim: Multi-Source Synergistic Data Intensive Computing for Earth Science, NASA, 6/2012 – 6/2015
- Application of UAVSAR Imaging to California Earthquake Potential Due to Tectonic Deformation, NASA, 3/2012 – 2/2015
- 3D Simulations of Active Tectonic Processes, NASA, 11/2008 – 7/2012
Selected Honors (28 total)
- Fellow, American Geophysical Union (2021)
- Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (2020)
- JPL Voyager Award for Lead of NASA’s Surface Topography and Vegetation Incubation Study (2020)
- JPL Voyager Award for Chief Editor NISAR Handbook (2018)
- QuakeSim 2.0: NASA Software of the Year Award (2012)
- MUSES California Science Center Foundation, Woman of the Year (2006)
- Women in Aerospace Award for Outstanding Achievement (2003)
- Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (1996)
- NASA Group Achievement Award for Response to the 2015 Nepal Gorkha Earthquake (2016)
- NASA Group Achievement Award for Response to the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill (2011)
- NASA Space Act Awards for software (2004 (3), 2005, 2009, 2012)
- JPL Lew Allen Award for Excellence (2000)
- Donnellan Glacier named by Advisory Comm. on Antarctic Names (2006)
- Women at Work Medal of Excellence (2004)
- American Geophysical Union (1986–present), Fellow
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (2016–present), Fellow
- Seismological Society of America (2000–2003, 2012, 2015–present)
- IEEE Senior Member, and IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (2016–present)
- The Explorers Club (2012–present), Fellow National
- FAA and NASA certified small UAS pilot and ground control operator
- FAA Commercial instrument single engine land and sea plane pilot (~500 hours): Flights in the US, Mexico, Canada, and Africa
- PADI Open Water scuba diver: Dives include California, Hawaii, Palau, Australia, and Caribbean
Link to Peer-Reviewed Publications