Remembering Barbara Gibson
On Tuesday, September, 15 2020, friends and colleagues gathered in person and virtually at Shamrock Park in Lafayette, IN to celebrate the life of Barbara Gibson. She was a dear friend, a trusted colleague, and the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at Purdue University is forever better because of her tremendous influence.
The program was as follows:
Welcome- Dan Cziczo
Reading - Afterglow read by Ken Ridgway
Personal Reflections-
Indrajeet Chaubey read by Ken Ridgway
Logan Judy
Wen-wen Tung read by Logan Judy
Marty Frisbee
Susan Postawko read by Robin Tanamachi
Darryl Granger
Invitation for Sharing
Personal Reflection- Dan Cziczo
Moment of Silence- Bill Fornes
Reading-Aloha read by Kathy Kincade