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Schmitt Lab Group: Experimental Geophysics Group Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences


Dr. Douglas R. Schmitt is the Stephen and Karen Brand Chair of Unconventional Energy at Purdue University. Previously a Professor of Geophysics and Physics at the University of Alberta, Dr. Schmitt recently completed two terms (2002-2016) as the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Rock Physics. His research group carries out a unique blend of field and laboratory experiments that focus primarily on understanding of rock physics and mechanics and how they influence geophysical observations. He has and is playing active roles in international scientific drilling projects on 5 continents. This research focus carries over to teaching of graduate and undergraduate level courses in rock physics at both Purdue University and at the China University of Petroleum - Beijing. He is a graduate of the University of Lethbridge (BSc in Physics, 1980) and the Seismological Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology (PhD, 1981-87). After graduation, he carried out postdoctoral research in the geomechanics of hydraulic fracturing in the Dept. of Geophysics at Stanford University (1987-88). He is an A. vonHumboldt Research Fellow (Geophysikalische Institute, Uni. Karlsruhe, 1996-97) and a visiting scientist in the Research School of Earth Sciences at the Australian National University, Canberra (2005). He worked as an exploration geophysicist at Texaco Canada Resources Ltd., Calgary (1980-81). He has received the A. vonHumboldt fellowship, the Roy O. Lindseth Medal of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophsicists (20220), the University of Alberta Faculty of Science Research Award (1999), and the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year for the University of Lethbridge (2008). He recently served as vice-chair of the IODP Science and Technology Panel and as a member of the ICDP Scientific Advisory Group. He currently serves as an editor for the Tier 1 Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth.