Stratigraphy and Geologic Mapping of Upper Oligocene and Lower Miocene Strata in the Funeral Mountains, California

One of the best places to study intracontinental extensional processes is founding the Basin and Range province of the western Cordillera. Many studies of extensional tectonics have been conducted in this area due to the large amounts of extension and the spectacular exposures. Previous studies have generally focused on extension dating back to the Middle Miocene. This extension has formed the classic Basin and Range topography that characterizes the southwestern United States. In order to understand this region’s cumulative extensional history however, one must also consider the previous extension, which dates back to the Oligocene. The deformational history contained in the Oligocene and Early Miocene strata should contain information pertaining to the initiation of extension, a process not well understood both specifically in the Basin and Range, but also in extensional provinces around the world.

Tertiary sedimentary strata located in southeastern California and south-central Nevada represent key areas for studying the initiation of extension as well as the reconstruction of the early stages of basin development in extended continental regions. The Titus Canyon and the Panuga Formations will be the focus of study in southeastern California and the Horse Spring Formation and Rocks of the Pavits Spring will be examined in south-central Nevada. Through the study of the structural and stratigraphic characteristics of these Oligocene and Lower-Miocene age strata we hope to understand the kinematics of early Tertiary extensional tectonism and the long-term evolution of extensional topography.






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